App of the Primer diccionari de medicina il·lustrat. This is an app in Catalan and Spanish that aims to explain the meaning and use of the most basic words that children hear and use when they talk about their health and illnesses.
COMjunts App. COMjunts is an app that supports families with a child diagnosed with a rare disease so that they can better communicate with health professionals (best app for patients E-health Awards 2018).
Club LÈXIC, Club of the little-big lexicographers, the word collectors. This is a collaborative project between the university and schools, which deals with the concepts of science words used in schools by means of definitions and drawings.
MICROSCOPI is a web catalog, intended for professionals in education, of the underlying ideas of 100 science concepts.
Terminological infographics. The infographics on the covid-19 are the result of the analysis of the definitions from the projects LEXCOVID and LEXMED, and have been designed by Rosa Estopà and Laia Vidal. These infographics pivot on 25 terms and take into account the information misunderstood by children.
Award for the best iniciative at the 4a Jornada Virtual de iniciativas las mejores intervenciones de alfabetización en salud de la Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública for the project "Palabras en las salas de espera de pediatría: términos médicos para niños y niñas", April 28, 2022.
Finalist for the Mejor INICIATIVA en el fomento del uso del idioma español para la divulgación del conocimiento biomédico of the 2019 MEDES Awards of the Lilly Foundation, with the project Jugant a definir la ciéncia: diccionaris, jocs, apps i vídeos, December 2019.
At the UPF, the Social Council and the Vice-rectorate for Social Responsibility and Promotion want to promote and give prestige to the community's commitment to "Responsabilitat Social Universitària" with several strategies. In particular, the creation of the Concurs de Projectes de Responsabilitat Social Universitària, which is intended to contribute to the development and implementation of new initiatives regarding social responsibility.
2019 awarded project: "Paraules a les sales d'espera de pediatria"
Autors: Rosa Estopà, Jorge Porras and Laia Vidal (Departament of Translation and Language Sciences of the UPF) and M. Àngels López (Head of Paediatrics at the Hospital del Mar).
ESTOPÀ, Rosa (dir.). Petit diccionari de ciència. Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2012. Purchase: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat.
ESTOPÀ, Rosa (dir.). Petit imaginari de ciència. Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2012. Purchase: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat. Junceda Illustration Award 2013 to Christian Inaraja in the non-fiction category for children and adults.
ESTOPÀ, Rosa (dir.). Mi primer diccionario de ciencia. Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2013. Purchase: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat.
ESTOPÀ, Rosa (dir.). My first Dictionary of Science. North Charleston, SC,United States: Amazon, 2013.
La maleta viatgera de paraules de ciència, a box set from Jugant a definir la ciència. Availability:all CRP of Catalunya for free. If you are interested in a box set send us an email to If you want to complete the puzzle, here you will find an image of the full sheet [+ information]
Schools that have participated: Escola Calderón (Barcelona), Escola Sant Jordi (Barcelona), Escola Drassanes (Barcelona), Escola Labouré (Barcelona), Escola Cervantes (Barcelona), Escola Pía (Barcelona), Escola Sant Nicolau (Sabadell), Escola Patufet (Barcelona), Escola Italiana (Barcelona), Escola Montagut (Santa Sussana), Escola Annexa Joan-Puigbert (Girona), Escola ERAL (Sarroca de Lleida), Escola Projecte (Barcelona), Escola Escaledei (Cerdanyola), Escola Milà i Fontanals (Barcelona), Escola Abet (Terrassa), Escola Sant Jordi (Pineda de Mar), Escola Boixeras (Barcelona), Escola la Llacuna (Barcelona), Escola Agnès Armengol (Sabadell), Escola Barrufet (Sant Boi), Escola Barrufet (Sant Boi),
Escola Eiximenis (Girona), Escola Font de la pòlvora (Girona), Escola Cassià Costat (Girona), Escola Pericot (Girona), Escola Santa Susanna (Sta. Susanna), Escola Sol Naixent (Cubells)
Others centers: Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Barcelona), Museu de ciències naturals (Barcelona), Universitat de Girona (Girona), Setmana de la ciència al carrer (Lleida), IV Fira de la ciència per petits grans científics i científiques (Girona), Festival de Ciència, Tenologia i Innovació (Barcelona), Biblioteques del Maresme
MEMOTERM: birds of a feather flock together [+ user's guide] is a free memory game where you have to match a photograph and a drawing made by a child portraying the same scientist word. MEMOTERM is a pedagogical game application, which aims to improve the academic lexicon in primary schools.
David Llop developed MEMOTERM as part of his Final Work in Telematic Engineering at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. David Llop’s GFW, Playing with the words of science online: birds of a feather flock together –tutored by Rosa Estopà and Vaneza Daza, advised by Miquel Cornudella and evaluated by Jonathan Chacón–received the top grade.
Qui no corre, vola! In this game you will hear some scintific words and will be prompted to write them down. In case you write them correctly, you will have to find the matching illustration in a cloud of images.
This game has been developped by Víctor Pérez.
VIDAL, Laia; ESTOPÀ, R."Estudio longitudinal y contrastivo de la definición escolar de términos". RITERM (in press)
ESTOPÀ, Rosa. "Construir para deconstruir y volver a construir: ¿cómo construir un diccionario de ciencias adecuado a los escolares?". RITERM (in press)
CORNUDELLA, Miquel; DOMÈNECH, Ona; LLACH, Sílvia; GRISÓ, Sílvia. "El Microscopi. Banc obert de definicions terminològiques i catàleg de representacions". In Sànchez Fèrriz, M. À. (2013) La terminologia en les ciències de la vida, en la química i en el món educatiu. Barcelona: SCATERM, Memòries de la Societat catalana de terminologia, 4, 145-157.
The complete "Primer diccionari de medicina il·lustrat", together with its definitions and extra content, has been converted into audiovisual content and can be consulted in this link. The video has also been divided into shorter fragments which can be downloaded from this other website. [more information]
Presentation of the "Primer diccionario de medicina ilustrado" published by the IULA and the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. [more information]